100+ Men Who Care Chatham-Kent

Nomination Form

  • As a member of 100+ Men Who Care Chatham-Kent you have the opportunity to put forward a charity or nonprofit organization that serves the community of Chatham-Kent and is in immediate financial need. At every 100+ Men Who Care Chatham-Kent meeting, three nominated local charities or nonprofits will be randomly drawn (from all of the nominated charities/nonprofits) for a chance to receive the group's collective donation. After presenting, if your nominated charity receives the majority vote, each member will write a $100 cheque directly to that charity at the meeting (wow!) and your charity will be eligible again in two years. If not selected, it will remain in the draw for as long as you are a committed member. As a member, you can nominate multiple charities/nonprofits in need. Please be prepared to present at each meeting about the charity you have nominated if drawn. Please fill out the form and it will be automatically submitted to us. We will respond to your submission as soon as we can, please contact us if you have not heard back within 48 hours. We can accept nominations up to the Sunday evening prior to each meeting. As always, we are happy to answer any questions you may have.
  • Please remember only committed members of 100+ Men Who Care Chatham-Kent can nominate a local charity/nonprofit in need.


Thursday January 30, 2025| The Links of Kent | 6 p.m.

Thursday, April 24, 2025| The Links of Kent | 6 p.m.

Thursday, July 31, 2025 | The Links of Kent | 6 p.m.

Thursday, October 30, 2025 | The Links of Kent |6 p.m.