100+ Men Who Care Chatham-Kent
How It Works / Frequently Asked Questions
1. What happens at a meeting?
At each meeting all of the local charities nominated by our committed members will be placed in a hat, with 3 charities being randomly drawn in front of the group. When a charity is drawn, the member who nominated that charity will speak from the heart for 3-5 minutes on behalf of the organization and answer any questions the group may have to the best of their ability.
This happens 2 more times for a total of 3 members speaking on behalf of their nominated charities. Each committed Care Member votes on their individual ballot card which charity of the 3 presented they would most like to support. The ballot cards are then collected with a chosen charity being declared by majority vote. Each Care Member writes a cheque for $100 made payable to the chosen charity which results in a group donation of potentially $10,000 (or more) in less than an hour by a group of 100 (or more) like-minded caring men.
The Care Members hear from a representative from the selected local charity at the next meeting, to share how 100+ Men Who Care Chatham-Kent’s donation was used.
**Only committed members of 100+ Men Who Care Chatham-Kent can nominate, present and vote**
2. Do I receive a tax receipt for my donation?
Yes. Each individual Care Member who has given a donation (cheque, cash, or e-transfer) will receive a tax receipt from the registered charity (or their sponsor).
3. What is my commitment, exactly?
This group is especially meant for Chatham-Kent men with big hearts but limited time. We ask that you commit to attend and vote at 4 one-hour meetings (February, May, August, November) and to write a $100 cheque made payable to each of the four winning Chatham-Kent charites. In short, only 4 hours and $400 per year!
4. Should I wait until the meeting to hand in my Commitment Form?
We are encouraging each new member to complete their Commitment Form online prior to your first meeting so we can properly prepare for your presence (seating and welcome package). The online Registration & Commitment Form is available here. Quick and easy! Commitment Forms are also accepted and available at the meetings.
5. Am I able to join at anytime throughout the year?
Yes – we accept new members at anytime – your 4-time commitment will begin with the first meeting you commit to.
6. What happens if I am unable to make a meeting?
You will be greatly missed! We understand that everyone intends to make the meetings (as you then get to vote, there is a chance to win a door prize, and the charity you may have nominated may get picked for a chance to receive the group’s donation!); however, we ask that you please let us know if you cannot attend so that we can help you make arrangements for your donation to the selected charity. This is typically done by way of a blank cheque given beforehand, by a quick e-transfer to MenWhoCareCK@gmail.com , or by sending your donation to our Chapter’s Leaders immediately after the meeting. The sooner everyone’s donation is collected, the sooner we can present it to the deserving local charity!
7. How do I nominate a charity?
Easy. Click here. Please remember you must be a committed member of 100+ Men Who Care to nominate a Chatham-Kent charity or non-profit and nominations must be received by the Monday prior to any meeting.
8. As a member of 100+ Men Who Care Chatham-Kent, do I have to nominate a charity?
All Care Members have the opportunity and are strongly encouraged to nominate a deserving local charity they feel needs our financial support; however, for the Chatham-Kent Chapter, this is optional – you do not have to nominate a charity.
9. Is any charity available for a nomination?
Yes – the only criteria are that the charitable organization (or their sponsor) be registered and must serve the Chatham-Kent community. The core intent of 100+ Men Who Care is to assist those in immediate financial need locally.
10. How often can a charity be selected to receive our group donation?
Once a charity is selected to receive our donation, they will be able to be nominated again in 2 years.
11. What if someone else has nominated the same local charity?
Great! The odds of that charity being selected are increased and what a great way to network! Please keep in mind that we will always hear from 3 different local charities at each meeting and the Care Member that is first drawn will be presenting.
12. Can a Care Member nominate more than one Chatham-Kent charity or non-profit in need?
Yes! The Nomination Form is quick and easy to fill out and is available here. Just remember to be prepared to speak about your nominated group(s) if drawn at the meeting…good luck!
13. What happens after my 4-time commitment is completed?
Our hope for our local community is that you will continue on as a proud member of 100+ Men Who Care Chatham-Kent. Please contact us if you will not be continuing as a Care Member.
14. Have a question?
Please contact us at MenWhoCareCK@gmail.com or fill out the form below.
Thursday January 30, 2025| The Links of Kent | 6 p.m.
Thursday, April 24, 2025| The Links of Kent | 6 p.m.
Thursday, July 31, 2025 | The Links of Kent | 6 p.m.
Thursday, October 30, 2025 | The Links of Kent |6 p.m.