Latest News
Another Deserving Recipient
We are pleased to announce that the 100+ Men of Chatham-Kent selected NeighbourLink CK as the recipient of our October donation. NeighbourLink provides a plethora of critical services to countless members of our community. Excellent work, gentlemen! Please click here...
July 25th meeting
We are thrilled to have given a cheque in the amount of $10,500 to Chatham Hope Haven! That's over $50,000 to local charities in just 5 hours. If you or a guy you know wants to get involved in 100 Men Who Care CK, come out to our next meeting on October 24th at the...
April 25th Meeting
We’re pleased to announce that Thursday’s meeting generated another big donation to a great local organization - the Mental Health Network of Chatham-Kent’s Hope House. This marks the end of our first year of meetings for 100 Men Who Care CK. We’ve donated over...
100 Men Who Care January Meeting
Wow, what a great start to 2019! We are honoured to donate to Camp Vincent in order to send more kids to camp this year. Chatham-Kent sure has some special guys. Thank you!
WOW – What a Great Night!
Wow - what a great night! At our last our meeting in October, we were able to raise and donate $11,500 to the Shepherds Way Inn. Thank you to the now over 100 Men Who Care in Chatham-Kent! Please join us for our next meeting - January 24, 2019 at the Links of Kent...
Thank you Chatham-Kent!
Our first event raised $8400 which will be donated to Big Brothers | Big Sisters Chatham-Kent.
Thursday January 30, 2025| The Links of Kent | 6 p.m.
Thursday, April 24, 2025| The Links of Kent | 6 p.m.
Thursday, July 31, 2025 | The Links of Kent | 6 p.m.
Thursday, October 30, 2025 | The Links of Kent |6 p.m.